The Long Ride
When I woke up, the bright, frowning moon peered into our window. Looking out my bedroom window, which I shared with my four-year-old brother and my two-year-old sister, I prayed that the yelling...
View ArticleAmerican Apartheid
I wanted add a little bit of context to the race discussions that have become so prevalent here. There are a number of great academic scholars in this area, but one that always stuck with me was a...
View ArticleOpportunity in Thailand?
If you’ve been focused on Egypt, you might not realize that Thailand and Cambodia have exchanged artillery fire again. While both sides are currently honoring a cease fire, it’s believed that at least...
View ArticleJust say No to Shifting Progressive Policy into R
No, the "good old days" weren't always better! In fact, progressive policies have been enacted over the years to overcome inequalities in our nation that the private sphere was unable to adequately...
View ArticleI can’t afford to be colorblind
When I was in high school I was involved in a number of activities, including sports, band and drama. So, growing up in the near western suburbs of Chicago, I had a pretty diverse group of friends....
View ArticleThe Bravest Women in Mexico
A 20 year-old college student studying criminal justice took the job as Police Chief of Praxedis G. Guerrero, Mexico in November of 2010.
View ArticleOn Civil Discourse, Allies, Teabaggers, and Being Human
Some years ago, I walked into a banquet hall to help a friend from another agency clean up after an event. I don’t remember what this event had been for, but it was ending in a banquet room that had...
View Article“The broadest global American military presence since the Second World War”
The Afghanistan war is the longest war in US history. The war in Libya makes three wars in Muslim nations. We still have almost 50,000 troops in Iraq and 100,000 in Afghanistan. Our military is calling...
View ArticleNATO takes command of No Fly Zone, 90 day planning window
NATOs military staff has begun drawing up plans today to take over control of the No Fly Zone. Their planning window for this operation is currently 90 days. However, the NATO commander has the...
View ArticleCome to my town
Come to my town and see the real America. I live between 3 empty houses. Two more neighbors near me need to sell their houses and can't. My plumber friend down the street wants to get into a smaller...
View ArticleNATO didn't know rebels used tanks
As someone who was part of the 24th Infantry Division in Desert Storm, I wondered how the Libyans and NATO were communicating and coordinating their missions. Apparently, they’re not coordinating very...
View ArticleEuropean Military Advisors on the way to Libya
Great Britain and Italy have joined the French in sending military advisors to Libya. Rebel leaders in Misrata have been pleading with NATO for soldiers to help them in defeating the Libyan regime’s...
View ArticleAfghanistan Surge Troops Withdrawn by the end of 2012
The President will give a prime time address tomorrow night that is expected to announce the withdrawal of about 10,000 troops in Afghanistan this year and the rest of the surge troops by the end of...
View ArticleFor the times they are a-changin'
A few days ago, I was sitting around at a work function with a group of coworkers discussing the trials and tribulations of raising teenagers. I have 3 teenagers and one soon to be teenager; this...
View ArticleOn Political Alliances
''How many of you didn't hang out with questionable folks in high school? There's been no witchcraft since. If there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter now.''—Delaware GOP Senate candidate Christine...
View ArticleMore than 50,000 pot arrests in NYC in 2011
It’s bad enough that more than 50,000 people were arrested last year in NYC in what were called “low-level marijuana charges,” but we should also note why there are so many pot arrests. The Drug Police...
View ArticleSlab City: Next New Retirement Hot Spot?
If you’ve ever wanted to live off the grid, Slab City just might be the place for you. If you’re getting older and near retirement age and not sure that you’re Swiss bank account will keep you under a...
View ArticleWhy I don’t celebrate the left’s current victories over Rush.
No, it’s not because I support his views or because I am a devoted listener. In fact, I did listen to him many, many years ago because I thought he was so ridiculous that he amused me. But one day he...
View ArticleAnti-Capitalist Meetup: Civic Society, Markets and the child
In this diary we’ll look at the concept of the child and how it fits into modern civic and economic society. When you think about what a child is today, think about how that concept varies by culture...
View ArticleKefir, an ancient answer to better health
Several years ago, I started experiencing allergy symptoms. About 5 years ago, my allergies got bad enough that they began to impact my life. That's when I began to get serious about changing my diet...
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